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Showing posts from April, 2022

Is game buy market a legitimate business?

  Gaming as digital entertainment has grown rapidly in the last few years. People from all corners of the globe have started gaming and participating in community activities.  Such an expeditious growth has also led to several security concerns over purchasing video games from online marketplaces. A number of players have become prime targets for cybercriminals.  Web-based attacks on gaming services have escalated up to 34% in the last few months. Therefore, the need for robust safety and security measures is imminent.  Gaming services can also hire a game marketing agency to protect their digital assets in the best way possible.  How to Protect the Gaming Industry?  Studies estimate that the global gaming market can reach $256.97 billion by the end of 2025. With such high stakes, the gaming community should value security to protect players from unwanted surprises.  The internet is gradually becoming the den of criminals. And the high level of illegal activities calls for a combined